Superebete (2014)

the funny story of an unlikely superhero , “Superebete”

YEAR: 2014
TECNIQUE: 3D/2D animation

SYNOPSIS: the funny story of an unlikely superhero , “Superebete” , victim of his own neurosis to compulsive purchases , which is found by chance to save the fate of a ecnonomic crisis .

SINOSSI: la storia buffa di un improbabile supereroe, Superebete, vittima della propria nevrosi per gli acquisti compulsivi, che si ritrova casualmente a salvare le sorti di un mercato in crisi.


Directed and animated by HERMES MANGIALARDO

Editing & post production: Paolo Pinaglia

Scene illustrations: Piero Schirinzi

Music by: Herman Medrano & Caparezza

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